2 Feb 25
Child poverty
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Food banks in the Trussell community gave out 508,000 emergency food parcels for children between April and September this year. This is the second year in a row the number has been over half a million in just six months. We’ve set eight tests to ensure the government’s upcoming child poverty strategy will mean we […]
2 Feb 25
Morrisons Food Drive
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Morrisons supermarket are once again hosting a week of support for the Malvern Hills Foodbank. Our volunteers will be there on Thursday ready to explain what we do, and why we do it.
23 Oct 24
Checking the BB dates
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We take care not to give out anything which is out of date – we know some things will be fine, but don’t think it’s right to take a risk when making up parcels for local people in crisis. Please think of this if, for example, you are clearing out a store cupboard. Donations are […]
23 Oct 24
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Thanks for so many recent donations! Churches and primary schools have been especially generous with Harvest Festival collections. This all helps us build up our stocks for Christmas, when we usually see a rise in requests for help.
1 Sep 24
Generous support for pets
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Pets at Home customers bought up every single donation parcel on offer during the Blue Cross Foodbank appeal in August. We took delivery of several boxes full. This will make a big difference to our ability to help families with pets.
12 Aug 24
Pets at Home: supporting the Foodbank
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From now until the 27th August, Pets at Home in the Malvern Retail Park are collecting pet food donations for the Foodbank. We get many requests for cats and dogs. Look for the blue collection boxes in the store.
5 Aug 24
Severn Wells Festival Collection
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We will be setting up a one-off donation point at the Severn Wells Festival on Link Common, on Saturday 17th August. See
5 Aug 24
Summer Holiday pilot scheme
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Malvern Hills Foodbank is helping out local families with a pilot scheme over the summer holidays designed to assist a number of children who are, during term time, receiving free school meals. Chairman Peter Buchanan said ‘We recognise that some families struggle during the summer holidays as their children are not getting a meal at […]
16 May 24
Nearly 5000 people helped
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On Wednesday 15 May 2024, we released our stats on the number of emergency food parcels that Malvern Hills Foodbank provided within our local community between April 2023 and March 2024. The worrying new figures reveal that we have provided 4951 emergency food parcels to people who couldn’t afford the essentials in Malvern and Upton […]
25 Mar 24
Easter treats
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Thanks to numerous supporters and to our two major supermarkets, Morrisons and Waitrose, for adding Easter eggs and other choccie treats to our stocks for this week. The picture shows the green pick up packs in use at Morrisons.